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Career Pathways

Southway has appointed a lead member of staff for PSHCE and Careers. This is to complement the careers guidance and advice that is provided by the mainstream school and allows all students access to advice and support as they need it.

At Southway we believe that all students have the ability to succeed with whichever career path they choose. Across all year groups students are provided with opportunities and guidance to explore careers and chances for further study and training. A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers – please see the Calendar of Events below. Southway will make the main hall, classrooms or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. We will also make available Audio, Visual and/or other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader.  Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature with our Careers Leader who will distribute the relevant information to students.

Students in Year 11 are given the opportunity to take on a work experience placement as a means of experiencing a professional work environment and preparing them for the next steps in their education and career.

Alison Longden is the Vocational Lead for Student Experience and can be contacted as follows:

Telephone: 0113 3367772

Annual Calendar of Events

  Autumn Term* Spring Term Summer Term
Year 7 Introduction to courses and careers research through PSHE curriculum. Spotlight on careers of significant people – family members/ celebrities etc. Create a portfolio of interests.
Year 8 Overview of college courses, apprenticeships and employment opportunities presented through PSHE curriculum. Introduce Talentino ‘Careers at Every Level’ programme to run throughout subsequent school years. Focus on pathways i.e. vocational/academic/ combination and potential job roles from each. Explore examples of staff career paths/histories to give context. Research parent/carer/sibling job roles and paths.
Year 9 Introduction to options subjects. Presentation by subject leads including potential jobs roles linked to each subject. Highlight where vocational and core subjects complement each other. Vocational subject taster sessions/‘mini-course’. Further explore interests, skills areas for development. Job role prospects integrated into core and vocational curriculum. Visiting speakers from colleges/ apprenticeships/employment.
Year 10 Job role reference and skills embedded in vocational subjects supported by core. Visits to colleges/ apprenticeships/ employment providers. Work experience offered in local businesses. Collaborate with BITMO ‘Lift Off’ scheme. Reflection on experiences. Reassess aspirations and aims. Students create personal progress portfolio including: record of experience gained, qualifications required and potential applications. Integrate Duke of Edinburgh achievements.
Year 11 Personal ‘next steps’ meetings between student, careers lead, MAT worker, parents/carers and original school’s representatives. Review personal portfolio, begin applications. Re-visit colleges/ apprenticeships/employer locations. Preparation for moving on delivered through PSHE and individual follow-up meetings: Support interviews/application procedure Expectations Concerns Contacts for advice and support moving forward